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- Disclosure Policy
Basic Policy of Information Disclosure
The Company recognizes that the timely and appropriate disclosure of information is the foundation for conducting constructive dialogue with shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders, and aims to continue enhancing corporate value by disclosing fair and highly transparent information in an active manner. In addition, through the timely and appropriate disclosure of information and constructive dialogue, the Company aims to build a good relationship of trust with the capital market and improve the quality of corporate management by incorporating these opinions into management.
Information Disclosure Standards
The Company conducts information disclosure in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Timely Disclosure Rules specified by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, the Company makes efforts to actively disclose both financial and non-financial information which the Company considers to be useful to shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders, as necessary, even though such information is not subject to the Rules, etc.
Information Disclosure Methods
Information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules is disclosed via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and disclosure documents such as annual securities reports and semi-annual securities reports are disclosed via the electronic disclosure system (EDINET) of the Financial Services Agency. Information disclosed will be promptly posted on the Company’s website. The Company also makes efforts to deliver other information not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules as accurately and fairly as possible by posting such information on the Company’s website and via the media in accordance with purpose of the fair disclosure rule. In addition, for both domestic and foreign shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders to access the Company’s information equally, the Company discloses materials in English, and strives to improve the content to ensure that the quality is the same as the Japanese materials
Information Disclosure to Third Parties and Results Forecasts by Third Parties
In order to prevent the leakage of financial results information and ensure fairness, the Company designates the period from the day after the closing date of the financial year until the date of the announcement of financial results as a quiet period. During the quiet period, the Company refrains from answering or making comments regarding questions and inquiries about its business results and future outlook. However, if any event that arises during a quiet period is subject to timely disclosure, the Company will disclose the information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.
Quiet Period
In order to prevent the leakage of financial results information and ensure fairness, the Company designates the period from the day after the closing date of the financial year until the date of the announcement of financial results as a quiet period. During the quiet period, the Company refrains from answering or making comments regarding questions and inquiries about its business results and future outlook. However, if any event that arises during a quiet period is subject to timely disclosure, the Company will disclose the information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.
Development of Internal Systems
(Development of information disclosure system)The Company has established a system to conduct the timely and appropriate disclosure of information based on the Timely Disclosure Rules, operating this disclosure policy in an appropriate manner. For the Company’s system of timely disclosure, please refer to “Schematic diagram (Internal system for timely disclosure)” attached to our Corporate Governance Report.
(Development of systems for conducting constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors)The Company has appointed the Executive Vice President of Finance & Director as Director in charge of IR and places IR specialists in the Business Administration Headquarters to conduct IR activities, building organic relationships with related divisions. It holds quarterly financial results briefings four times every year for institutional investors and also conducts dialogue with institutional investors and makes presentations at briefing sessions for individual investors held by other companies. In addition, we post IR information on the Company’s website and an inquiry form for IR-related questions to provide an environment in which shareholders and investors can ask questions to the Company. The Director in charge of IR reports the opinions received through dialogue to the Board of Directors as appropriate. Opinions that are closely related to on-site operations are shared with the supervisors, etc. of business divisions by IR specialists after they have engaged in various meetings on relevant matters. Information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules is strictly managed as insider information until disclosed via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and the information disclosed is promptly posted on the Company’s website as well.
When viewing the Company’s information on its website, please refer to the Disclaimer posted separately, along with this Disclosure Policy.