Basic Sustainability Policy

Basic policy

With the corporate philosophy, “Making corporate activities more efficient and convenient,” the RACCOON Group supports a wide range of trading business infrastructure. With the basic policy, solving social issues through business, we will strive to improve corporate value by appropriately managing and minimizing risks inherent in our business operations and maximizing business opportunities. Furthermore, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable global environment and society together with our stakeholders.

Promotion system

The effort for sustainability in the RACCOON Group, under President & Representative Director’s commitment, we have organized the working group in cooperation with each division/group company, centered on directors in charge, and are promoting it company-wide. The working group makes reports and suggestions to the Management Meeting as needed, and such reports and suggestions are deliberated and approved at the Management Meeting and then reported to the Board of Directors on a regular basis. The Board of Directors is responsible for management, supervision, and approval of important matters. Also, the Audit & Supervisory Committee recognizes the risks regarding all aspects of sustainability, and requires proper reporting.


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