Information Security

Basic Information Security Policy

Basic principles

Under the corporate philosophy “making corporate activities more efficient and convenient,” RACCOON HOLDINGS, Inc. and its group companies (collectively, “the Company”) offer a wide variety of services related to BtoB transactions.

As information assets including customer information handled in the course of business serve as the foundation of the Company, we recognize that appropriately handling information and implementing safety management are important social responsibilities. Accordingly, we have established the Basic Information Security Policy in order to fulfill these responsibilities. In accordance with this policy, all officers and employees of the Company will handle, manage, protect and retain information in an appropriate manner.

Basic policy
・We shall establish an information security policy and related regulations and perform duties in accordance with these policy and rules. In addition, we shall observe laws, ordinances and regulations related to information security as well as contracts with customers.
・It shall be ensured that all officers and employees involved in information assets perform their duties with knowledge about information security, and that continuous education and training shall be provided so that they can respond to ever-changing social circumstances.
・In response to changes in laws, regulations and social environments, as well as changes in risks related to information security, we shall continue to improve and enhance information security measures and aim to maintain and enhance security measures with customers.
・In order to check conformity with the information security policy, regulations, rules, etc. and confirm that the Company’s information security measures are effectively functioning, we shall establish an internal audit system.
・We shall endeavor to prevent information security incidents, establish measures in advance for minimizing damages in the event incidents occur, and should an emergency arise, take corrective measures and disclose information in a prompt and appropriate manner.
・If information assets are handled in organizations outside the scope of application of this policy due to outsourcing to an external company or other reasons, we shall request that such organizations conduct the necessary information asset management through the conclusion of an agreement or other method.

Specific measures

Security Understanding Checks

Once a year, we conduct a security understanding check to increase our employees’ awareness of security. A risk management committee made up of expert employees prepares questions on information security and regularly tests all employees.

ISMS-Certified | Paid

Paid, the B2B deferred payment service of RACCOON FINANCIAL, another subsidiary, has obtained ISO/IEC27001 certification, the recognized standard for information security management systems (ISMS), and carries out efforts to reduce risk and protect its information assets from various threats. By conforming to this strict security standard, we responsibly manage the important information our customers entrust to us.


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