Improvement of Sustainability of Trading Environment


Secure, safe, and sound trading environment

Inspection of Displayed Products | SUPER DELIVERY

In wholesale transactions website “Super Delivery” operated by RACCOON COMMERCE, Inc., when we put up new product for sale, we determine if it contains problematic expressions on the item’s title/description/image, if the item violates any laws or terms, or if licenses of production or sales are acquired properly. Based on the check result, we request the correction of the product information, or the withdrawal of the product. Also, for the items which belong to a brand-name product, quasi-pharmaceutical product, cosmetic product, and processed food product (including health food products), we request the suppliers for the invoice or the certification of production/sales business permission, furthermore, we determine if the product’s ad expressions violate any legal regulations, as needed.
Carrying out thorough processes enables us to maintain the reliable trading infrastructure, provide reliable service to the customers, and be intent on improving customer satisfaction.

Promotion of responsible production across the supply chain

System to prevent excess inventory which plays a role in wholesale business

In the EC business, we pursue the systems to prevent excess inventory as a social responsibility of the wholesale business. For example, production systems and price setting based on product returns are not needed by selling non-returnable products.
Furthermore, selling products not by lots enables the purchase of products of only the quantity needed, and leads to the reduction of unsold goods of shops. Through these small efforts, we correct the systems of mass production/mass consumption/mass disposal, and aim to optimize the distribution of “Get the product I want, only the quantity I want, when I want” supply chain-wide.

Enlightening “ethical consumption” to small business

We promote awareness building/enlightenment measures for business such as retailers regarding “ethical consumption” which focuses on respect for human rights and environment conservation. We encourage trade of products whose origin and production background of raw material are clear, and offer information to support the promotion after purchase, with the key words such as “fair trade,” “organic,” and “recycle.” We will contribute to industry-wide awareness-raising with a view to offer sustainable procurement policies to suppliers in the future.


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