ESG Data
ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) data for the entire RACCOON Group can be downloaded from the link below.
ESG Data 2024(692KB)
*Unless otherwise indicated, figures are for the entire RACCOON Group.
*Unless otherwise indicated, figures are for the entire RACCOON Group.
Guideline Content Index
Disclosures in accordance with each topic of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards are provided on the following pages.
No | Category | Disclosed information |
- | Universal Standards | |
2 | General Disclosures | |
The organization and its reporting practices | Company Information | |
Activities and workers | ESG Data 2024(692KB) | |
Governance | Corporate Governance Sustainability Promotion System | |
Strategy, policies, and practices | Corporate Philosophy Basic Sustainability Policy | |
Stakeholder engagement | Stakeholder engagement | |
3 | Material Topics | Important Issues (Materiality) |
200 | Topic Standards (Economy) | |
201 | Economic Performance | Actions for Climate Change |
202 | Market Presence | - |
203 | Indirect Economic Impact | - |
204 | Procurement Practices | - |
205 | Anti-corruption | Compliance ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
206 | Anti-competitive Behavior | - |
207 | Tax | - |
300 | Topic Standards (Environment) | |
301 | Materials | - |
302 | Energy | ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
303 | Water and Effluents | ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
304 | Biodiversity | - |
305 | Emissions | Actions for Climate Change ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
306 | Effluents and Waste | ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
307 | Environmental Compliance | - |
308 | Supplier Environmental Assessment | - |
400 | Topic Standards (Society) | |
401 | Employment | ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
402 | Labor/Management Relations | - |
403 | Occupational Health and Safety | Occupational Health and Safety ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
404 | Training and Education | Training and Education ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
405 | Diversity and Equal Opportunity | Diversity |
406 | Non-discrimination | Compliance |
407 | Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining | - |
408 | Child Labor | - |
409 | Forced or Compulsory Labor | - |
410 | Security Practices | ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
411 | Rights of Indigenous Peoples | - |
412 | Human Rights Assessment | - |
413 | Local Communities | - |
414 | Supplier Social Assessment | Improvement of Sustainability of Trading Environment |
415 | Public Policy | ESG Data 2024(692KB) |
416 | Customer Health and Safety | - |
417 | Marketing and Labeling | - |
418 | Customer Privacy | - |
419 | Socioeconomic Compliance | - |